
Here are some bite-sized .tex files which illustrate how to do some useful things in LaTeX. They are roughly organized by package use. These documents will continue to be updated as I find more things to add to them.

LaTeX Do’s and Don’ts

Here is a link to what is effectively a short list of my pet peeves when writing LaTeX code. I’m a huge typesetting nerd, but I’m not a wizard, I just like making things look nice. So take all of my advice with a grain of salt.

LaTeX Do’s and Don’ts

TikZ Commutative Diagrams

This is a little crash course for those who want to make their commutative diagrams a little bit nicer. If you find this document useful, and want to learn more, please check out the TikZ/PGF Manual which is located here.

The basics of making TikZ-cd look nice